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3 posts tagged with "Updates"

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· 2 min read

This script uses an undocumented Microsoft 365 API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps and compares it to the installed version. It then sets a custom field in NinjaOne to indicate whether the latest security release (if there is one) is installed. It also sets fields to indicate the channel, installed version, update status and a card containing more detailed information.

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This article uses an undocumented API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps. This API is subject to change without notice and may stop working at any time. Use at your own risk.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
M365 Apps Installed VersionofficeInstalledVersionTextThe installed version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps ChannelofficeChannelTextThe channel of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps Update StatusofficeUpdateStatusTextThe update status of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps SecureofficeSecureCheckboxWhether the latest security (or other) release is installed.
M365 Apps DetailofficeDetailWYSIWYGA card containing more detailed information about Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.

The Script


The Results

M365 Apps Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check whether M365 Apps Secure is checked. If it's not, we get an alert and can investigate further. This script has already helped us identify a few devices that were not updating correctly.

· One min read

This post will show you how to use registry keys to test, set and remove target versions for Windows Feature Updates. This allows you to prevent Windows 10 or 11 from updating past your configured limit.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/04/05.


When you run this script you might want to pass some parameters - here's what they do:

  • -Test - This will test the current target version settings and show you the results.
  • -Unset - This will remove the target version settings.
  • -TargetProductVersion - Specify the target version to aim for, examples would be 21H2 or 22H2.
  • -TargetProduct - Specify the target product to aim for, examples would be Windows 10 or Windows 11.

· One min read

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Laptop role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Driver Update: Reboot RequiredCheckboxWhether the latest driver update run requires a reboot to finalise.
Driver Update: Last RunDate/TimeThe date and time the driver update script last ran successfully.
Driver Update: Number Installed on Last RunIntegerThe number of driver updates installed on last script run.

The Script


The Results

Driver Update Related Custom Fields

You can set this up to run on a schedule - we run this script immediately on machine onboarding and then every 7 days on a Tuesday. This doesn't always have anything to do as our Windows Update run usually handles these updates, but it's a good way to ensure that we're always up to date with the latest drivers from Microsoft Update.