Monitoring Microsoft Office / 365 Apps with PowerShell
· 2 min read
This script uses an undocumented Microsoft 365 API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps and compares it to the installed version. It then sets a custom field in NinjaOne to indicate whether the latest security release (if there is one) is installed. It also sets fields to indicate the channel, installed version, update status and a card containing more detailed information.
Thanks to:
- The entire NinjaOne community on the NinjaOne Discord for the inspiration and support.
- David Szpunar for his efforts on various M365 / Office apps scripts.
- Kelvin Tegelaar for his prior M365 / Office apps scripts.
This article uses an undocumented API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps. This API is subject to change without notice and may stop working at any time. Use at your own risk.