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10 posts tagged with "NinjaOne"

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· 2 min read

This script uses an undocumented Microsoft 365 API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps and compares it to the installed version. It then sets a custom field in NinjaOne to indicate whether the latest security release (if there is one) is installed. It also sets fields to indicate the channel, installed version, update status and a card containing more detailed information.

Thanks to:

This article uses an undocumented API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps. This API is subject to change without notice and may stop working at any time. Use at your own risk.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
M365 Apps Installed VersionofficeInstalledVersionTextThe installed version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps ChannelofficeChannelTextThe channel of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps Update StatusofficeUpdateStatusTextThe update status of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps SecureofficeSecureCheckboxWhether the latest security (or other) release is installed.
M365 Apps DetailofficeDetailWYSIWYGA card containing more detailed information about Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.

The Script


The Results

M365 Apps Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check whether M365 Apps Secure is checked. If it's not, we get an alert and can investigate further. This script has already helped us identify a few devices that were not updating correctly.

· One min read

PowerShell 5.1 as shipped with Windows 10 and 11 includes versions of PackageManagement and PowerShellGet this old version cannot install most modern modules, nor can it self update properly.

In most cases fixing this runs into numerous issues with conflicting versions or files in use. This script is an adaptation of a script by Chris Taylor which takes a different approach to downloading the modules, has a bit more error checking and further installs the new PSResourceGet module which is the replacement for PowerShellGet.

The Script




Nice and simple on this one, just run the script and it will do the rest. It does expect a close-to-vanilla install of Windows 10 or 11, so if you've been messing around with the default modules before running this script, it may not work as expected.

· 10 min read

This post will hold detection scripts for any serious CVE vulnerability that we write detection scripts for in the future. It will be updated and added to as new vulnerability detection scripts are written.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2022-41099 which is a vulnerability in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) which could allow a successful attacker to bypass the BitLocker Device Encryption feature on the system storage device. An attacker with physical access to the target could exploit this vulnerability to gain access to encrypted data.

Fixed a Bug

Thanks to DTGBilly from the NinjaOne Users Discord for pointing out that in altogether far too many places I had typo'd the CVE as CVE-4022-41099 instead of CVE-2022-41099 🤦‍♂️ this included field names and labels so please check yours are correct as now shown in the post.


Since version 1.2.0 (2023-03-21) this script now requires one of two mandatory parameters.

  • If you are checking for the presence of the small "Safe OS Dynamic Update (SODU)" which is the minimum required change to mitigate the vulnerability use the -CheckPackage parameter and if required alter the -MountDirectory and -LogDirectory parameters (defaults to C:\RMM\WinRE).

  • If you are checking for the presence of the larger "Servicing Stack Update (SSU)" or "Dynamic Cumulative Update" which updates more than is required to mitigate the vulnerability, but may offer other benefits including new WinRE functionality or more reliable reset/restore behaviours use the -CheckImage parameter which checks the image build version.

If you were passing these in NinjaOne your parameter preset might look like this:

-CheckPackage -MountDirectory C:\RMM\WinRE -LogDirectory C:\RMM\WinRE

or this:


Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) Not Enabled

Before version 1.3.0 the script did not check if WinRE was enabled which could lead to confusing error output in the event WinRE was disabled. Now if you get the WinRE not enabled warning you are clear on why the script isn't executing.

A simple reagentc /enable should enable WinRE or at least provide some useful troubleshooting output.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and Windows Server roles, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2022-41099CVE202241099CheckboxWhether the device has a WinRE image vulnerable to CVE-2022-41099

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/04/13.


The Results

CVE-2022-41099 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. You'll find information on remediating this vulnerability in this followup post.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:

Thanks to:
  • Concentus on the NinjaOne Users Discord for helping me run down and test different versions of Office to ensure this script was as accurate as possible.
  • Wisecompany on the One Man Band MSP Discord for reminding me to add an exit code and not overuse Write-Warning!
  • Thanks to KennyW on the MSPGeek Discord for helping find an error where certain versions were incorrectly detected as not vulnerable!
  • Thanks to Alkerayn on the NinjaOne Users Discord for helping find an error where certain channels were incorrectly detected as not vulnerable and identifying that we needed to first check the GPO-configured update channel!
  • Thanks to Tanner - MO on the MSPs R Us Discord for pointing out that version comparisons should all use -lt instead of -ne to ensure future compatibility / accuracy.
  • Thanks to DarrenWhite99 on the MSPGeek Discord for pointing out that the check for the GPO UpdateChannel was completely nonsensical and incompletely written.
  • Thanks to JSanz on the NinjaOne Users Discord for pointing out the GUID matching issue/bug.
  • Thanks to Jhn - TS on the NinjaOne Users Discord for discovering the issue with empty registry props causing the script to error.

This has only been tested against M365 Apps and Office 2021 VL versions "en masse" and only 64-bit office - if it doesn't work for you let me know on the NinjaOne Users Discord and I'll see what I can do to fix it!


This article relates to CVE-2023-23397 which is a vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook whereby an attacker could access a user's Net-NTLMv2 hash which could be used as a basis of an NTLM Relay attack against another service to authenticate as the user.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-23397CVE202323397CheckboxWhether the device has an Office or Microsoft 365 Apps version vulnerable to CVE-2023-23397.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/04/13.


The Results

CVE-2023-23397 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate this vulnerability update Microsoft Office by running something like this:

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/16.


This update script will force restart Office apps - it should restore open files automatically but if you want a softer approach replace the Start-Process line with:

Start-Process -FilePath $C2RPath -ArgumentList '/update user forceappshutdown=true updatepromptuser=true' -Wait

Prejay on the MSPGeek Discord has helpfully suggested the following to update C2R Office builds without a user logged in or as system:

Start-Process -FilePath $C2RPath -ArgumentList '/frequentupdate SCHEDULEDTASK displaylevel=false' -Wait

Mark Hodges (also on the MSPGeek Discord) has also helpfully suggested this more comprehensive update script which will update Office 2016 and 2019 as well as C2R Office.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-21554 which is a vulnerability in the Microsoft Message Queuing system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-21554CVE202321554CheckboxWhether the device has the MSMQ features installed and is missing the April 2023 Security Update.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/16.


The Results

CVE-2023-21554 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the April 2023 Security Update.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-35628 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's email rendering system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Thanks to Gavsto for stopping me doing down the rabbit hole of checking KB numbers by pointing out that it wouldn't be future proof once the next cumulative update was released!

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-35628CVE202335628CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2023-35628.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2023-35628 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the December 2023 Cumulative Update.


This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/02/16.

This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-35628 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's preview pane system which could allow remote code execution.

The updates include changes/corrections to the targetted versions - check your version please!

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2024-21413CVE202421413CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2024-21413.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2024-21413 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the applicable Office / M365 Apps February 2024 Security Update.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:

This script also uses information from the following non-Microsoft sources:

Thanks to:
  • Xzul on the NinjaOne Users Discord for bringing this one to the forefront of my attention as I'd seen it and then promptly forgotten about it!

This article relates to CVE-2024-30103 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's email rendering system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2024-30103CVE202430103CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2024-30103.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2024-30103 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the applicable Office / M365 Apps June 2024 Security Update.

· One min read

This post will show you how to deploy the Printix client using NinjaOne Documentation fields and a PowerShell script.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding two documentation fields to facilitate this script. You'll need to note your document template id, in the screenshots / our internal use we have a template called "Integration Identifiers" which we use to store any integration identifiers we need to reference in our scripts.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
Printix Tenant IdprintixTenantIdTextHolds the customer's Printix tenant id.
Printix Tenant DomainprintixTenantDomainTextHolds the customer's Printix domain.

The Script


When you run this script you need to pass your document template id. For example, sticking with our example above, you'd run the script with the parameter: -DocumentTemplate Integration Identifiers

The Results

Printix Documentation Fields

Printix Installation Activity

We run this script on a group of devices which don't have the Printix client installed.

· One min read

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Laptop role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Driver Update: Reboot RequiredCheckboxWhether the latest driver update run requires a reboot to finalise.
Driver Update: Last RunDate/TimeThe date and time the driver update script last ran successfully.
Driver Update: Number Installed on Last RunIntegerThe number of driver updates installed on last script run.

The Script


The Results

Driver Update Related Custom Fields

You can set this up to run on a schedule - we run this script immediately on machine onboarding and then every 7 days on a Tuesday. This doesn't always have anything to do as our Windows Update run usually handles these updates, but it's a good way to ensure that we're always up to date with the latest drivers from Microsoft Update.

· 11 min read

This post uses code from CyberDrain

This post draws on multiple posts, click the link below to check out and support Kelvin's fantastic work for the MSP community.

You will find more excellent uses for NinjaOne custom fields on the Dojo, on Stephen Murphy's blog and on Luke Whitelock's blog.

Custom fields are a great way to store arbitrary data from your devices in NinjaOne. In this post I will explore a few examples, some using code from CyberDrain, which store data in NinjaOne custom fields.

This post was updated on 2022/12/22 to add a new script to run a speedtest on a device and store the results in NinjaOne.

Battery Health

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding seven role custom fields for devices with the Windows Laptop role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Has BatteriesCheckboxWhether the device has batteries
Battery IdentifierTextThe ID of the battery being reported on.
Battery Design CapacityIntegerThe original design capacity of the laptop's battery.
Battery Full Charge CapacityIntegerThe current fully charged capacity of the laptop's battery.
Battery Health PercentIntegerThe current percentage of battery health.
Battery Cycle CountIntegerThe number of times the battery has been cycled. That is drained fully and charged.
Additional BatteryCheckboxThe system has an additional battery, only the first is reported in the fields above.

The Script

Working on it
Ninja have confirmed that they are working on native functionality which will replace this script. Stay tuned to Ninja's release notes on the [NinjaOne Dojo]( for more information.
This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2022/03/26.

This script accepts a single parameter to set the data storage directory for the script. This is where the script will store the battery information it gathers. The script will create the directory if it doesn't exist. The default is C:\RMM\Data use parameter -OutputPath to override.



The Results

Battery Related Custom Fields

You can set this up to run on a schedule - we run this script monthly to keep up-to-date battery information in NinjaOne.

Domain Join Status

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Laptop role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Domain Join StatusDrop-downThe current domain join status of the device.
Domain NameTextThe name of the currently joined AD domain.
Tenant NameTextThe name of the currently joined Azure AD tenant.

The domain join status field should be configured with the following option values:

  • Azure AD Domain
  • AD Domain
  • Hybrid Azure AD/AD Domain
  • On-premise DRS
  • No Domain


We've created a dropdown field for this script, we can't set the options by name with these - so first we need to find out how NinjaOne wants us to give the selected option. To do that we're going to open a PowerShell session to any device in the role that has the field assigned and run:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Import-Module NJCliPSh
Ninja-Property-Options domainJoinStatus

This will print a list that looks something like this:

1989092a-1ae0-4e6e-b274-50ea9618d436=Azure AD Domain
53745d33-fd5e-4c7d-bfd5-fea174a46781=No Domain
bb4c5215-ead7-47a3-8f36-f711c81580ce=On-premises DRS
c23486e9-49eb-4acb-8f9d-7f5d8711c284=AD Domain
c6e7ef80-68a1-4591-8055-5cee585f4f79=Hybrid Azure AD/AD Domain

When we want to pass the option to the field we need to use the GUID - for example 1989092a-1ae0-4e6e-b274-50ea9618d436 for Azure AD Domain.

The Script

This Script Requires Input
This script requires user input, whether in the form of variables, parameters or edits to the script itself before you can run it. Areas where you need to provide input will be indicated with:
### Inline Comments
and / or
Parameters will be indicated before the script block.
This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2022/05/25.


The Results

Domain Related Custom Fields

You can set this up to run on a schedule - we run this script monthly to keep up-to-date domain information in NinjaOne.

Autopilot Hardware Identifier

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.
"Field length"

Make sure when creating the custom field below that you set the character limit for the field to allow over 4000 characters using the "Advanced Settings" link on the field creation/edit page.

Advanced Settings Character Limit

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Autopilot HWIDSecureThe autopilot hardware identifier.

The Script


The Results

HWID Related Custom Fields

We run this after hardware changes or post onboarding.

Wireless LAN Monitoring

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
WLAN Disconnect ReasonsMulti-lineA list of the WLAN disconnect reasons with frequency. JSON
WLAN FailuresIntegerThe number of WLAN failures in the report.
WLAN WarningsIntegerThe number of WLAN warnings in the report.

The Script


The Results

WLAN Related Custom Fields

You can set this up to run on a schedule - we run this script twice daily.

Windows 11 Readiness

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding two role custom fields for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Windows 11 CapableCheckboxWhether the device is Windows 11 capable as determined by our checks.
Windows 11 ReadinessWYSIWYGThe details checked to determine Windows 11 compatibility.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2024/05/16.



Thanks to @gavsto for invaluable input on a couple of the checks in here - he's helped make them more robust and accurate.

The script's detailed output has changed and will now show two metrics related to Secure Boot. Previously it showed in SecureBootSuitable whether the state of Secure Boot was suitable for Windows 11 installation. This has been enhanced with a new SecureBootPossible metric which will show whether it's likely that Secure Boot can be enabled. A "No" to both metrics will indicate that Secure Boot is not enabled or not capable of being enabled and thus the device is not Windows 11 capable. A "Yes" to SecureBootPossible indicates that Secure Boot can likely be enabled and that this should be done to make the device Windows 11 capable.

The Results

Windows 11 Related Custom Fields

We ran this as a one-off job to evaluate our managed estate.


This script won't detect compatible devices if the TPM is not enabled in the BIOS. It may not detect all compatible devices. This script may not accurately detect Secure Boot capability on all devices.

Windows OS Support Status

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding two role custom fields for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops and the Windows Server role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Windows Active SupportCheckboxWhether the OS version is supported for feature / quality updates.
Windows Security SupportCheckboxWhether the OS version is supported for security updates.

The Script


Thanks to Khristos from the MSP Geek community for keeping an eye on EndOfLife.Date's endlessly changing property for holding the Windows build...

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/01/26.


The Results

Windows Support Status Related Custom Fields

We run this on a schedule so it runs just after our OS patching applies.


Won't work with Insider/Preview versions - hasn't been tested on Windows 7 / 8 or 8.1. Has been tested on Server 2012 R2, 2022 and Windows 10 and 11.

SpeedTest (LibreSpeed)

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops and the Windows Server role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Server UsedTextWhich server was used for the last speedtest run.
Download SpeedDecimalThe download speed from the last speedtest run in megabits per second.
Upload SpeedDecimalThe upload speed from the last speedtest run in megabits per second.

The Script

"Issues found"

This script seems to have some issues where the librespeed-cli will return null for tests intermittently - this was due to service issues with LibreSpeed themselves. An alternative version using the Ookla speedtest CLI is available below.

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2022/12/31.



You can pass a few different parameters to this script to tune it's behaviour. These are:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
LibreSpeedEXEPathStringThe path to the LibreSpeed executable. Defaults to C:\RMM\Bin\
NoUpdateSwitchIf specified, the script will not attempt to update or download LibreSpeed.
ForceUpdateSwitchIf specified, the script will download LibreSpeed even if it's already up to date.
CLISwitchesStringA string of switches to pass to the LibreSpeed CLI. Defaults to --json.

For documentation on the CLI switches available see the LibreSpeed CLI documentation.

The Results

Speed Test Related Custom Fields

In this screenshot we've added a separator and a nice custom title with an emoji to make it look a bit nicer.


We run this on demand when we want to refresh information on the device - we don't run it on a schedule at present.


Requires the ability to run the LibreSpeed CLI tool on the device. The script can fetch the latest version and will do so automatically.

SpeedTest (Ookla Speedtest)

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding three role custom fields for devices with the Windows Desktops and Laptops and the Windows Server role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Server UsedTextWhich server was used for the last speedtest run.
Download SpeedDecimalThe download speed from the last speedtest run in megabits per second.
Upload SpeedDecimalThe upload speed from the last speedtest run in megabits per second.

The Script



You can pass a few different parameters to this script to tune it's behaviour. These are:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
OoklaSpeedtestURIStringThe URI to the Ookla Speedtest CLI. Defaults to the 1.2.0 version current when written.
OoklaSpeedtestEXEPathStringThe path to the Ookla Speedtest executable. Defaults to C:\RMM\Bin\
NoUpdateSwitchIf specified, the script will not attempt to update or download Ookla Speedtest.
ForceUpdateSwitchIf specified, the script will download Ookla Speedtest even if it's already up to date.
CLISwitchesStringA string of switches to pass to the Ookla Speedtest CLI. Defaults to --format=json --accept-license --accept-gdpr.

For documentation on the CLI switches available you should download the latest version of the CLI and check out the file in the Zip or run speedtest.exe --help.

The Results

Speed Test Related Custom Fields

In this screenshot we've added a separator and a nice custom title with an emoji to make it look a bit nicer.


We run this on demand when we want to refresh information on the device - we don't run it on a schedule at present.


Requires the ability to run the Ookla Speedtest CLI tool on the device. The script cannot automatically determine the latest version at this time - please pass an updated URL if you wish to use a later version before the script is updated.

· 2 min read

Background information

Ninja doesn't currently support native AV monitoring via Windows Security Center, integrated AV packages are monitored but what if you need more?

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're going to create one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Windows Laptop role:

Field NameField TypeDescription
Detailed AV StatusMulti-LineOutput for each configured AV on the system including name and status information.

The Script

Windows Server

This script won't work on Windows Server operating systems as they lack a CIM or WMI interface to the Windows Security Center which allows us to easily programmatically query the AV status.



The script includes support for two monitors.

AV Not Enabled

Setup a script result condition monitor that runs this script with a check for an exit code of 1.

AV Not Enabled Condition

AV Not Enabled Monitor

AV Not Up-To-Date

Setup a second script result condition monitor that runs this script with a check for an exit code of 2.

AV Not Enabled Condition

AV Not Enabled Monitor

· One min read

I'm the author of the NinjaOne PowerShell module so when I was looking for a quick way to identify duplicate devices I turned to that module and the NinjaOne API to find a solution.

About this script

This script is a quick way to identify duplicate devices in your NinjaOne instance. It can return a full listing of all devices grouped by serial number, it can also just return the ID, last contact date and serial number for the device with the oldest last contact date.

The script


At this time it's not possible to remove devices via the NinjaOne API so this script will only return the duplicate devices - you'll have to arrange to remove these devices manually.

If you want all devices with duplicates:

Get-NinjaOneDuplicateDevices -All

or just the older duplicated devices:

Get-NinjaOneDuplicateDevices -Duplicates

· 5 min read

Background information

The NinjaOne agent gives you the ability to customise your system tray and add things like about text, email links, a help request form, a URL and other things. Unfortunately HaloPSA doesn't currently support hooking into NinjaOne's help request form (don't worry, we're talking to NinjaOne and Halo Service Solutions about this!) so we're left with a bit of a workaround as a solution.

· 4 min read

This post uses code from CyberDrain

Click the link below to check out the original post on and support Kelvin's fantastic work for the MSP community.

About this script

So firstly, if you haven't already, hit the giant orange button above to read the original blog post on to understand what this script is doing!

The problem with NinjaOne

Many, if not most RMM platforms can run a script to monitor system state. NinjaOne is no different here - but there's a subtle irregularity in their approach that makes this complicated.

Most RMM platforms let you extract the contents of a variable from the script you run as a monitor - Ninja doesn't. It can read from the output of the script but that's all.

The fix

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/26.

Kelvin's script doesn't output much by default - the default success method generated by creating the directory with New-Item but that's it. To make this work with NinjaOne we need to modify Kelvin's script a little bit, it's quite simple really.

We need to silence that New-Item call by adding | Out-Null to the end and we need to "dump" the contents of the $ODErrors variable to the output.

Logged-In Users

When run with no logged in users the original version of this script would return an error, as NinjaOne lacks the ability to only run a monitor when a user is logged in this is undesirable behaviour, the script has, therefore, been updated to avoid this with a check to ensure a user is logged in.

Error Codes

The most recent update to this script adds two error codes beyond "successful" (code 0). Error code 1 is used when no users are logged in.

Windows Insiders

On recent insider builds this no longer functions due to an incompatibility with the OneDriveLib.dll file. This has been reported to the developer. The DLL from the release appears to work fine so that's been switched into the script.

We should end up with this:

Kelvin's Script with NinjaOne modifications

You're going to want to add this as a script in NinjaOne by going to Administration -> Library -> Scripting. This script needs to run as System :-)

Monitoring output in NinjaOne

The next step is deciding what to do with the output of the script in NinjaOne - so a brief digression to talk about script result monitors in NinjaOne.

In NinjaOne we go into Administration -> Policies -> Policy to add monitor to -> Conditions then we're going to Add a condition this gives us the new condition screen:

NinjaOne New Condition

We want to hit Select a condition and then choose Script Result Condition which should give us the following screen:

NinjaOne New Script Result Condition

So, let's get this setup and running:

  • Evaluation Script: Select the script we uploaded above.
  • Run Every: Select a value appropriate to your needs - we used 10 minutes.
  • Timeout: We left this at the default.
  • Result Code: Not used.
  • With Output: This is where the magic happens, we want this to trigger when the output does not contain "Healthy" or "No User Logged In" - the regex for this (for easy copying) is (NotInstalled|ReadOnly|Error|OndemandOrUnknown|ScriptError) (basically a list of all the other statuses).

That's it - basic OneDrive monitoring. You can catch different cases using the Output filter e.g:

  • To detect "ReadOnly" sync instances set it to trigger when the output contains "ReadOnly".
  • To detect OneDrive not installed set it to trigger when the output contains "NotInstalled".
  • To detect OneDrive in an error state set it to trigger when the output contains "Error".
  • To detect Files on Demand or Unknown sync status set it to trigger when the output contains "OndemandorUnknown".

That's it - feel free to leave a comment if anything is unclear. Thanks to Kelvin for the inspiration on this!