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4 posts tagged with "CVE"

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· 2 min read

This script uses an undocumented Microsoft 365 API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps and compares it to the installed version. It then sets a custom field in NinjaOne to indicate whether the latest security release (if there is one) is installed. It also sets fields to indicate the channel, installed version, update status and a card containing more detailed information.

Thanks to:

This article uses an undocumented API to check the latest version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps. This API is subject to change without notice and may stop working at any time. Use at your own risk.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
M365 Apps Installed VersionofficeInstalledVersionTextThe installed version of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps ChannelofficeChannelTextThe channel of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps Update StatusofficeUpdateStatusTextThe update status of Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.
M365 Apps SecureofficeSecureCheckboxWhether the latest security (or other) release is installed.
M365 Apps DetailofficeDetailWYSIWYGA card containing more detailed information about Microsoft Office / 365 Apps.

The Script


The Results

M365 Apps Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check whether M365 Apps Secure is checked. If it's not, we get an alert and can investigate further. This script has already helped us identify a few devices that were not updating correctly.

· One min read

PowerShell 5.1 as shipped with Windows 10 and 11 includes versions of PackageManagement and PowerShellGet this old version cannot install most modern modules, nor can it self update properly.

In most cases fixing this runs into numerous issues with conflicting versions or files in use. This script is an adaptation of a script by Chris Taylor which takes a different approach to downloading the modules, has a bit more error checking and further installs the new PSResourceGet module which is the replacement for PowerShellGet.

The Script




Nice and simple on this one, just run the script and it will do the rest. It does expect a close-to-vanilla install of Windows 10 or 11, so if you've been messing around with the default modules before running this script, it may not work as expected.

· 10 min read

This post will hold detection scripts for any serious CVE vulnerability that we write detection scripts for in the future. It will be updated and added to as new vulnerability detection scripts are written.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2022-41099 which is a vulnerability in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) which could allow a successful attacker to bypass the BitLocker Device Encryption feature on the system storage device. An attacker with physical access to the target could exploit this vulnerability to gain access to encrypted data.

Fixed a Bug

Thanks to DTGBilly from the NinjaOne Users Discord for pointing out that in altogether far too many places I had typo'd the CVE as CVE-4022-41099 instead of CVE-2022-41099 🤦‍♂️ this included field names and labels so please check yours are correct as now shown in the post.


Since version 1.2.0 (2023-03-21) this script now requires one of two mandatory parameters.

  • If you are checking for the presence of the small "Safe OS Dynamic Update (SODU)" which is the minimum required change to mitigate the vulnerability use the -CheckPackage parameter and if required alter the -MountDirectory and -LogDirectory parameters (defaults to C:\RMM\WinRE).

  • If you are checking for the presence of the larger "Servicing Stack Update (SSU)" or "Dynamic Cumulative Update" which updates more than is required to mitigate the vulnerability, but may offer other benefits including new WinRE functionality or more reliable reset/restore behaviours use the -CheckImage parameter which checks the image build version.

If you were passing these in NinjaOne your parameter preset might look like this:

-CheckPackage -MountDirectory C:\RMM\WinRE -LogDirectory C:\RMM\WinRE

or this:


Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) Not Enabled

Before version 1.3.0 the script did not check if WinRE was enabled which could lead to confusing error output in the event WinRE was disabled. Now if you get the WinRE not enabled warning you are clear on why the script isn't executing.

A simple reagentc /enable should enable WinRE or at least provide some useful troubleshooting output.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and Windows Server roles, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2022-41099CVE202241099CheckboxWhether the device has a WinRE image vulnerable to CVE-2022-41099

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/04/13.


The Results

CVE-2022-41099 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. You'll find information on remediating this vulnerability in this followup post.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:

Thanks to:
  • Concentus on the NinjaOne Users Discord for helping me run down and test different versions of Office to ensure this script was as accurate as possible.
  • Wisecompany on the One Man Band MSP Discord for reminding me to add an exit code and not overuse Write-Warning!
  • Thanks to KennyW on the MSPGeek Discord for helping find an error where certain versions were incorrectly detected as not vulnerable!
  • Thanks to Alkerayn on the NinjaOne Users Discord for helping find an error where certain channels were incorrectly detected as not vulnerable and identifying that we needed to first check the GPO-configured update channel!
  • Thanks to Tanner - MO on the MSPs R Us Discord for pointing out that version comparisons should all use -lt instead of -ne to ensure future compatibility / accuracy.
  • Thanks to DarrenWhite99 on the MSPGeek Discord for pointing out that the check for the GPO UpdateChannel was completely nonsensical and incompletely written.
  • Thanks to JSanz on the NinjaOne Users Discord for pointing out the GUID matching issue/bug.
  • Thanks to Jhn - TS on the NinjaOne Users Discord for discovering the issue with empty registry props causing the script to error.

This has only been tested against M365 Apps and Office 2021 VL versions "en masse" and only 64-bit office - if it doesn't work for you let me know on the NinjaOne Users Discord and I'll see what I can do to fix it!


This article relates to CVE-2023-23397 which is a vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook whereby an attacker could access a user's Net-NTLMv2 hash which could be used as a basis of an NTLM Relay attack against another service to authenticate as the user.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-23397CVE202323397CheckboxWhether the device has an Office or Microsoft 365 Apps version vulnerable to CVE-2023-23397.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/04/13.


The Results

CVE-2023-23397 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate this vulnerability update Microsoft Office by running something like this:

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/16.


This update script will force restart Office apps - it should restore open files automatically but if you want a softer approach replace the Start-Process line with:

Start-Process -FilePath $C2RPath -ArgumentList '/update user forceappshutdown=true updatepromptuser=true' -Wait

Prejay on the MSPGeek Discord has helpfully suggested the following to update C2R Office builds without a user logged in or as system:

Start-Process -FilePath $C2RPath -ArgumentList '/frequentupdate SCHEDULEDTASK displaylevel=false' -Wait

Mark Hodges (also on the MSPGeek Discord) has also helpfully suggested this more comprehensive update script which will update Office 2016 and 2019 as well as C2R Office.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-21554 which is a vulnerability in the Microsoft Message Queuing system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-21554CVE202321554CheckboxWhether the device has the MSMQ features installed and is missing the April 2023 Security Update.

The Script

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/16.


The Results

CVE-2023-21554 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the April 2023 Security Update.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-35628 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's email rendering system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Thanks to Gavsto for stopping me doing down the rabbit hole of checking KB numbers by pointing out that it wouldn't be future proof once the next cumulative update was released!

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2023-35628CVE202335628CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2023-35628.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2023-35628 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the December 2023 Cumulative Update.


This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/02/16.

This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:


This article relates to CVE-2023-35628 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's preview pane system which could allow remote code execution.

The updates include changes/corrections to the targetted versions - check your version please!

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2024-21413CVE202421413CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2024-21413.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2024-21413 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the applicable Office / M365 Apps February 2024 Security Update.


This script has been compiled using information from the following Microsoft sources:

This script also uses information from the following non-Microsoft sources:

Thanks to:
  • Xzul on the NinjaOne Users Discord for bringing this one to the forefront of my attention as I'd seen it and then promptly forgotten about it!

This article relates to CVE-2024-30103 which is a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook's email rendering system which could allow remote code execution.

Creating Fields

Creating custom fields in NinjaOne
To create a custom field in NinjaOne go to Administration > Devices and select either Role Custom Fields or Global Custom Fields then select Add.

  • Role Custom Fields are custom fields that are specific to a device role.
  • Global Custom Fields are custom fields that are applicable to all devices and/or to a location and/or organisation
Make sure you add the fields to the roles you want to use them in at Administration > Devices > Roles (for role custom fields).

When you create your custom field you need to make sure that you set the Scripts permission to ensure that you can read or write to the field from your scripts - as appropriate for the script you're using.

We're adding one role custom field for devices with the Windows Desktop or Laptop and/or Windows Server role, note that we've customised slightly the autogenerated machine name here, if you use the default adjust the field name in the script appropriately.

Field LabelField NameField TypeDescription
CVE-2024-30103CVE202430103CheckboxWhether the device is updated/patched for CVE-2024-30103.

The Script


The Results

CVE-2024-30103 Related Custom Fields

We run this script daily and have a corresponding monitor setup to check CVE fields with a value of "Yes" and alert us if any are found. To remediate install the applicable Office / M365 Apps June 2024 Security Update.

· 5 min read

Collaboration with Martin Himken

This post and the WinRE patching script on Martin's blog at are the result of a collaboration between Martin and I to help mutually improve our various efforts towards patching CVE-2022-41099.


This article relates to CVE-2022-41099 which is a vulnerability in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) which could allow a successful attacker to bypass the BitLocker Device Encryption feature on the system storage device. An attacker with physical access to the target could exploit this vulnerability to gain access to encrypted data.

If you're running Windows 10 or 11 you might have come across CVE-2022-41099 which is a vulnerability in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) which could allow a successful attacker to bypass BitLocker if they can boot the device to WinRE. This is a pretty serious vulnerability and Microsoft have released a patch for it. However, the patch is not applied automatically and you need to take action to apply it.

Martin Himken has written a script to patch the WinRE drivers and I've written a script to download and stage the patch and servicing stack update files. The link to Martin's blog is at the top of this post and will be repeated at the end.

This script takes a few parameters to control it's behaviour. Parameter documentation follows:

PatchFolderDirectoryInfoThe folder to download the patch files to. If not specified, C:\RMM\CVEs\2022-41099\ will be used.
AllSwitchIf specified, the script will download the patch files for all supported versions and available architechtures of Windows 10 and 11. If not specified, the script will only download the patch files for the version of Windows that is running on the device.

Using the -All parameter will download a lot of files and take a long time to complete. It is recommended that you only use this parameter if you are patching a large number of devices or want to prepare a cache to serve files from.

Downloading all files consumes roughly 4.9GB of disk space.

The Script


This new version of the script downloads the Safe OS Dynamic Update (SODU) files - these are tiny and designed only to patch the vulnerable components.

Safe OS Dynamic Update (SODU) version.
This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/22.

Change Logs

Version: 1.5

Fixes incorrectly switched URLs for 19042 to 19045 for the x86 and x64 downloads. Thanks to Wisecompany for helping find this.

Version: 1.4

Update to use the Safe OS Dynamic Update packages which are considerably smaller.

Version: 1.3

Use $ProgressPreference to speed up execution. Thanks to for the suggestion.

Version: 1.2

Fix a bug on line 82 where a hashtable of architectures was attempted to be accessed using the Windows build number. Thanks to Sir Loin of House WinAdmins for spotting this. (Yes, it's a Game of Thrones reference. So original.)

Version: 1.1

Adds handling for 19044.

Version: 1.0

Initial release.


This version of the script downloads the SSU and Dynamic Cumulative Update files - these are large and designed to update WinRE completely not just patch the vulnerability.

Servicing Stack Update (SSU) and Dynamic Cumulative Update (DCU) version.
Large Files

This script downloads the SSU and Dynamic Cumulative Update files - these are large and designed to update WinRE completely not just patch the vulnerability. This will require a lot of space both to download them (especially if using -All) and to apply them to WinRE.

This Script Was Updated

This script was updated after being published, if you're using it please compare the version you have with the version available here.

This script was last updated on 2023/03/22.

Change Logs

Version: 1.4

Empty the patch folder if it's not empty. Thanks to Wisecompany for the suggestion.

Version: 1.3

Use $ProgressPreference to speed up execution. Thanks to for the suggestion.

Version: 1.2

Fix a bug on line 82 where a hashtable of architectures was attempted to be accessed using the Windows build number. Thanks to Sir Loin of House WinAdmins for spotting this. (Yes, it's a Game of Thrones reference. So original.)

Version: 1.1

Adds handling for 19044.

Version: 1.0

Initial release.


This example will download the applicable patch and SSU (if applicable) for CVE-2022-41099 to the folder C:\RMM\CVEs\2022-41099.

Get-CVE202241099Patches.ps1 -PatchFolder 'C:\RMM\CVEs\2022-41099\'

This example will download all patches for CVE-2022-41099 to the folder C:\RMM\CVEs\2022-41099. With subfolders for each KB and architecture.

Get-CVE202241099Patches.ps1 -PatchFolder 'C:\RMM\CVEs\2022-41099\' -All

Validating the Fix

By popular request you can validate the fix using the principles in the script used for CVE detection.

Collaboration with Martin Himken

This post and the WinRE patching script on Martin's blog at are the result of a collaboration between Martin and I to help mutually improve our various efforts towards patching CVE-2022-41099.