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2 posts tagged with "Intune"

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Pushing a web tab into your Customers' Teams environment.

· 2 min read

About this script

HaloPSA is improving at a phenomenal rate - one of the latest enhancements relates to embedding the "customer portal" inside Teams for easier access by customers - this is early days for this enhancement to Halo and at present there isn't really a way to push this tab into customer environments... Until now!

Using the script below you can push any website as a tab to your customers' Teams environments. First a couple of configuration pre-requisites.

  1. You'll need to have setup the Secure App Model (Thanks Gav for the superb write-up!)
  2. You'll need to know the name of the Team and Channel you want to deploy the tab - currently the script will use the same details for all customers!

Packaging the latest Adobe Reader DC as an IntuneWin file

· 2 min read
Save yourself the headache - use the Microsoft Store on Windows 11

If you're using or managing this for Windows 11 you can now deploy Adobe Acrobat Reader DC using the Microsoft Store. This is preferable for many reasons mostly because this way of doing it with IntuneWin files is a complete pain in the ass.

About this script

If you're not familiar with the IntuneWin format and what it's used for/when it's used there's some good background reading from Microsoft here: Prepare a Win32 app to be uploaded to Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs.

In short, it's a format designed to package Windows application installers for deployment with Intune.

This post contains a script which downloads the latest version of the Adobe Reader DC installer and turns it into an IntuneWin package for Intune deployment.

Kelvin has published a module that automates publishing RMM installers to Intune across all your customer tenants - you can read about it here: Automating with PowerShell: uploading your RMM application to all Intune tenants - CyberDrain.